A Guide For Working with Feng Shui In Your Bedroom!

Throughout my room renovation I discovered the concept and rules of Feng Shui. I did not realize I had been using feng shui in my room until I learned more about it.

According to TheSpruce.com, “Feng shui is an ancient art and science that was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China. In literal translation feng means “wind” and shuimeans “water.” In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune. Conversely, bad feng shui means bad luck or misfortune.”

“Some elements of feng shui practice date back at least 6,000 years, and it contains elements of various branches of scholarly study, including physics, philosophy, astronomy, and astrology. It is related closely to the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly the idea that the land is alive and filled with chi or energy.”

“Feng shui is sometimes thought to be the art of placement—understanding how the placement of yourself and objects within a space affects your life in various areas of experience. It is a complex body of knowledge that teaches you how to balance and harmonize with the energies in any given space—be it a home, office, or garden. Its aim is to assure good fortune for the people inhabiting a space. Although regarded by some in the scientific community as a pseudo-science, feng shui has had an impact on the aesthetics of interior design and the architectural layout of living and working spaces both in its native eastern and, more recently, western cultures.”

While decorating my room I was constantly thinking about the layout and how the items in my room made me feel. I knew that the colors and pieces I brought into my room would have a big impact on how I felt while I was in it.

Once I learned more about feng shui it felt great to see my decorating practices put into words.

At the moment my room revamp is not completely finished but I have decided to come up with some steps to get you started with your own room decorating journeys!

Four Things to go Over Before Starting:

  1. Scope of the Project

How big do you want to make this project?

Do you want to redo your entire bedroom?

Or do you just want to spruce things up a bit by changing a few items?

  1. Layout

How is your room laid out?

Do you feel like the energy is flowing well? 

Should we change things up for better flow?

How much room do we have to work with?

  1. The Theme

What do you want to have more of in your life?

  1. How to get started?

What items/tools/resources do you have to work with?

Keep in mind that you may need a ladder, hammer, nails, etc. during the process.

The Command Position in your bedroom

In your room you want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable. 

While laying in your bed are you able to see someone come into your room through your door? 

That feeling of knowing someone is coming into your room gives you a sense of control. So you want to make sure your bed is located so you can see your main door. 

Once you know your command position place your bedding in the position and work with the space you have around the bed.

Be Mindful of the Amount & Placement of Furniture

You want to make sure that the furniture you have is:

1) A good size considering the size of your room 

We do not want big bulgy wardrobes, chests, or dressers that are too big for your room and leave no room for other items such as bedside stands, a desk, or even a vanity. 

2) Not blocking the flow of energy

You may ask yourself what this means?

I would describe it as that akward feeling when something doesn’t really fit correctly. 

For example you wouldn’t want your dresser to be right next to your door. That would impede you from opening your door completely and would also feel weird being so close to the opening of the door. 

You want to make sure your furniture is set up so that it fits and feels right

I also wanted to mention that we want to prevent having too much furniture. I understand many of us need storage but there are other ways we can store things without having to haul in more furniture. We can get creative with storage and use shelves and other innovative closet storage options.

Focus on the Type of Energy You Want to Create

In the Feng Shui realm you use the five elements in order to create a specific energy in your bedroom.

The five elements are

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Wood
  • Metal

With the five elements we are able to create designs that focus on different needs for a person’s bedroom:

Five Elemental Designs

  1. Energy & Vitality

This design focuses on new beginning and creates a lifting atmosphere.

Predominantly uses the wood element.

Uses specific colors & textures that bring in the connection to nature. 

More rustic because of the wood but you can also mix in whites to give it more of a modern feeling.

Color scheme will include neutral colors such as soft greens, yellows, and blues.

Having a lot of wood can be overpowering but you can balance it out with plants and textures.

  1. Romance & Love

This room design keeps it romantic by using the fire sign.

Keep it clear and light to make space for openness within the relationship.

It is important to keep it simple but add color through accessories such as decorations, throw blankets, or pillows.

Use soft pinks and reds throughout the room.

  1. Rest & Relaxation

This design will set you up for a goodnights sleep!

Keep everything light and airy. I personally enjoy pastel colors for this one but you can also use greys and light blues.

Focus on the layout: Make sure your furniture flows well and does not obstruct anything.

Get rid of clutter & dark weighty things (art, scultpures, etc.)

Keep the walls light and neutral

The overall focus of this design is to make it clean and without disruptions

  1. Grounded & Stable

This design will help you with feeling nurtured and secure.

Have a headboard around your head so it supports your crown chakra located at the top of your head.

Keep earth tones and even throw in some yellows.

Bring in the water element a little so it balances earth out. You can do this by adding pops of blue throughout the accessories in the room.

Lastly, to help you build that sense of security to to add a solid rug with a square shape to it.

  1. Refresh & Harmony

This last design is all about creating harmony.

It is accomplished by using all 5 elements (water, fire, earth, wood, and metal).

Keep the room light and airy.

I would suggest sticking to neutral tones with pops of pastels.

Adding elements of wood and earth is what in my opinion refreshes your room the most.

These are just some ideas and guidlines as to how to create a room that you feel comfortable in.

Feel free to play around with the designs and be as creative as you desire!

Remember, do what feels right!

Add pieces that bring you joy and get rid of items that don’t.

I wish you the best of luck in your decorating journeys!



PS: Here is a video I watched to also help me get started with thinking about the Feng Shui in my bedroom!


Hello! My name is Nayelli. I am a 20 year old student at Nevada State College and I am currently in my third year (junior) at NSC. My major is Communications with an emphasis is Media Studies & I have a minor in Social Justice and I am about to add sociology as a minor as well. Some cool things about me: 1. I actually started college the summer after I graduated in 2017 via the Nepantla Program. I was part of their 5th cohort. After I completed the Summer Bridge program and my first year I was inspired to give back to the program and became a Peer Educator for the 6th cohort. I continue to be involved with the program. 2. I am a TheDream.US Scholar! This scholarship provides full ride scholarships to DACA and undocumented students around various institutions in the US. Here in Nevada TD.US is partnered with Nevada State College and has so far given the opportunity to 65 students to start their Higher Education journey. I was actually part of the 1st cohort at NSC which consisted of 13 awesome women! 3. I am a Student Intern in the Community Engagement & Diversity Initiatives Office on campus. This is a very high energy job and I enjoy being a part of many great events and initiatives via this office. 4. I am the President of the Dreamers Club! This is our third year running and my first year as President. I actually initially got involved my freshmen year as the secretary. Then my Sophomore year I became the Vice President and now I am the President. I am very passionate about this club and am very excited to see what this academic year brings! 5. This year I got the chance to be involved in our student government, Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA). I am a junior senator and secretary for the Public Relations Board. I am very passionate when it comes to student success and involvement and I enjoy being a part of something that directly works with our students and impacts our college culture. 6. Grad school is what I am aiming for after I graduate from NSC. I am still looking into what kind of programs I am interested in but I just know that what ever I go into, I am going to be 100% passionate about it. I ultimately want to get a Ph.D and continue to be involved in Higher Education. With being so busy all the time and so focused on school, I figured having a cute, fun blog would be cool. I hope you enjoy! xoxo Nayelli

5 thoughts on “A Guide For Working with Feng Shui In Your Bedroom!

  1. Hello Nayelli,

    Thank you for sharing your post. I love how organized your blog posts are and that you include pictures and links for your readers to explore ideas to improve the “feng shui” of their room or home. I also like how you broke down each element of feng shui and gave examples. I am all about synergy and peace in my home and I recently had to do a massive cleaning to do away with the clutter that I felt was contributing to the clutter in my life. Thank you again for sharing and I look forward to you maintaining this blog with future posts.


  2. Hey, Nayelli!
    I love this post! I am getting married in January (have I mentioned that enough in this class?) and my fiance and I don’t live together yet. So, when I move in after we’re married, we’ve agreed that I get to change things around to fit the needs of both of us! As I read through this, I was considering the colors that I have already picked out for our house – since the registry is all up and running, of course – and if they matched up with the kinds of feeling that each color portrays! Our room is going to be primarily reds, so I thought it was cool that this portrayed the love and romance. And for energy and vitality, our kitchen is sunflowers! So the colors in there are going to be yellows and greens with a rustic feel! Also, since I still hadn’t figured out where I wanted to go with the living room, I’m considering this post to help me in how I want to decorate and what sort of feeling I want in there! Thank you so much!

    -Emily MacKinnon


  3. Hi Nayelli! Thanks for sharing all these practical tips about Feng Shui. I’ve always felt like the type of person whose mood can be altered by their physical surroundings. Cluttered rooms make me antsy. I love rooms that feel open and airy! I think my current room design is aligned with the “Refresh & Harmony” type. The only thing is that my “neutrals” are light woods punctuated with dark colors: black desk, black shelvings, light wooden end table, light wooden dresser. The balance of light and dark feels both cozy and moody which I feel matches me well. Great post!


  4. OMG. I needed to see this post because I need to feng shui my house for sure for various reasons. To start, my life has just been crazy lately and I need good energy and clarity among other things. When I came across your blog title I new it would revel something I could apply to my current situation. The way you have explained the history and steps for fung shui your living space is easy to follow. It’s also very neatly presented, it’s like their is fung shui in your blog as well (lol). I like when certain pieces of social media remind us of things we sometimes forget, like I knew I wanted to organize my house but never get around to it and this blog made me log the day I will fung shui my house in my calendar/planner.


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